Letzte Aktivitäten

  • DerDenker

    Hat eine Antwort im Thema Sinnhaftigkeit einer Berufsunfähigkeit verfasst.
    Und ja, die meisten Kolleginnen wären durchaus bereit, auch für die staatliche Schule eine Gebühr in Höhe der Kindergartengebühr (hier aktuell Gehaltsabhänging und für einen Ganztagesplatz der auch seinen Namen verdient ca.600,-Euro) zu bezahlen,…
  • […]

    Der Ttel des wikipedia Artikels suggeriert, dass es ein Einmal-Ereignis ist.
    The one-and-only Steuerfahnder-Affäre.
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • […]

    Jeder Jeck ist woanders ;)
  • Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • 12345


    Sicher nicht mit (nur) einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung. Ordentliche Verträge mit Schiedsklauseln können da z.B. helfen - China ist heutzutage längst nicht mehr "Wilder Westen", und Schiedssprüche kann man auch dort vollstrecken. Ggf. hilft auch…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • DerDenker

    Hat eine Antwort im Thema Sinnhaftigkeit einer Berufsunfähigkeit verfasst.

    Ja, den Eindruck kann man haben.

    Schon Mal mit Eltern und Kindern beider Seiten unterhalten?

    Auch auf Privatschulen ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt.
    Von "in meiner Schule ist es gerade Sport, schwanger zu werden" (Internat) über "die Mutter finanziert…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • Hallo Forumsfreund Saarlaender
    hier kommt ein Kommentar speziell zu Deiner Frage.
    Wie ich gelesen haben, haben wir ja ziemlich viel Gemeinsamkeiten.
    Auch Du hast schon in den 80er Jahren mit Aktien und Börsen Dein Glück versucht.
    Auch Du hast schon den
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…
  • weldman

    Whatspp: +4915217110577-Shop counterfeit bank notes in categories , The grade A quality which work in shops, shopping malls, gas station, and casino. Buy fake drivers license, fake ID , Fake Passport -Buy ready to use realistic fake money from…